
لنشر عملك بالمدونة hananmhassanin@yahoo.com

لنشر عملك بالمدونة hananmhassanin@yahoo.com

الجمعة، 4 مايو 2012

My Family’’Poem by: Aayah M.Hassanein‘‘

My Family

Written by: Aayah M. Hassanein
Grade: 6

Everyone left, except
;A group of people kept
A helpful father
Two brothers and a mother
They help collect every part
Of my sweet sensitive heart
To have my feelings all right
From the beginning of the day till night
They help me have faith
From birth till death

I wish it’s true
Because I love you
It will change into a dream
Like water into steam
It then goes to the sky
I can’t reach it, it’s so high
You’re always in my mind
You are and will always be kind
To every single member
Which we will always remember

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